Base Options 2

So…What are HITZ and Championship Level I (CL-I) Bases and why are they right for me?

The base we recommend for speed are the brand new HITZ Bases! These bases were designed for speed and the ability to take a hit and separate from other bases. They come in Standard and DCB (Dial Control Base) with three different fronts each.

We recommend tweaking them with cold ITZ pliers as very little pressure is needed. Then use the ITZ Curved pliers to angle the tips back slightly.

CL1 bases come in two prong designs, power and fast! The fast bases are recognized in the hobby as having elite speed, which comes from the long thin prongs on the DCB (base with a wheel to change direction) and standard bases. Definitely any new coach will need to tweak these bases to get them to perform, but it’s an easy tweak and ITZ will help show you how to tweak to get maximum performance!

The other kind of CL1 base is the power bases, which have one wide prong in each corner and are easily tweaked by using instructions on the ITZ tweaking video. Power bases come in both DCB (a base with a separate front wheel that when attached allow the base to turn to the left or right) and standard which have all the prongs on the base and move only forward.

“I have basic Tweaking skills”

The ChampionshipLevel I (CL-I) and HITZ bases are the easiest bases to tweak for competition level speed and local league power.

The ITZ HITZ and CL-I Power Bases are perfect for YOU!

Fast Bases…

Add speed to YOUR team! These bases are easy to tweak for professional grade speed.

Power Bases

Add Power to YOUR team! These bases are easy to tweak for family fun strength!

Deception Bases

These products give you the element of surprise…They disguise the direction of your players movement until the snap of the ball.

Base Accessories

These products give you more options for your CL-I Bases. The bumpers impact how your bases react with your opponents while the CL-I Retro dials give you a boost of strength!

Tweaking Tools

These products give you an edge on tweaking your bases!

ITZ Stuff4
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