Base Options 1

So…What should I start with and why are they right for me?

If you are just getting back into electric football and the term “Tweak” is new to you, then you are in the RIGHT place!

Starter Bases…

Starter bases were made to help coaches enjoy the game without the need for aggressive tweaking. The prongs are pre-shaped to move forward and are strong in the original position. To make them faster, just use your finger and push them the opposite direction after heating with a hair dryer on low (Tip from Bobby Collins), or you can use the ITZ curved pliers to make this easier.

Each pack of Starter bases come in ONE shape, your choice of a flat front or a rounded front for a total of SIX (6) Bases per pack.

The ITZ Starter Bases are perfect for YOU! They run great right out of the pack and will greatly improve YOUR teams!

Get YOUR Starter Bases Here…

M2 Bases…

M2 bases were made to help coaches enjoy the game without the need for tweaking. The prongs are pre-shaped to move forward and are strong in the original position. These bases will compete at tournament level and are amazing for hall of fame players in solitaire leagues as they are strong!

Each pack of M2 bases come in several shapes. There are a total of SIX (6) Bases per pack.

The ITZ M2 Bases are perfect for YOU! They run great right out of the pack and will greatly improve YOUR teams strength!

Get YOUR M2 Bases Here…

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