Welcome to ITZ Bases!

Electric Football is back and bigger than ever! ITZ Bases brought the game into the 21st century with best running bases in history. Whether you are playing for fun or to win a tournament we have what you need! We have been the industry standard for 20 years making YOUR team better!

What are the right bases for ME?

We offer a large selection of amazing bases from Starter Bases to Tournament Level bases….

Just getting back into the game?

Not sure what “tweaking” is?

These are the bases for you!

Learning to “tweak” Bases?

Interested in competing in local tournaments/leagues?

These are the bases for you!

Great at “tweaking” Bases?

Interested in competing in national tournaments/leagues?

These are the bases for you!

We also make…

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ITZ Stuff2
M2 Wide Base SHELLS Green 🎁$5.00 $0.00
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