The Brand New ITZ Bases are Available NOW!

Our new series of Championship Level II bases arrived from China and have been added to the site!

The philosophy behind these bases is to give you as many options as possible.

Double Dial Bases

As we started to see coaches using the gear bases on their offensive line we developed a base using two dials so that your players can move sideways!  There are also Double Dials that allow your loopers (OLB’s) to come back into the line if they miss the QB. The possibilities for wide receivers are endless!

Standard and DCB Bases

We also included modified Standard and DCB bases.  The shells aren’t as tall as the Classic ITZ bases and the prongs are thicker (same size as Pro Line bases). We also included a pocket for putty and weight to be added.  The DCB wheel is much tighter and doesn’t turn as easy.  This prevents it from accidentally changing on you.


The first small batch were molded in Chargers Powder Blue and Yellow to commemorate the first LA event!  The next batch will be in shades of green and black.


When we released the Championship Level bases years ago some loved the dark green plastic and others preferred the lighter green plastic.  Therefore, we are going to break up our production by color and plastic type.  The Powder Blue plastic is very soft and has been tweaked extremely strong.  The yellow plastic is much firmer and has been tweaked for speed.  Not to say that you can’t make a yellow base strong or a blue base fast…Just more options for you!

The Future…

We will be releasing three shades of green and a black base…All with a different plastic formula.  They should be available around April or May of 2019.  This should give coaches and tweakers tons of different options!

We appreciate your support!  As you know, we have invested a lot in ITZ to bring the game to a new level and make it more exciting.

ITZ Stuff1
ITZ Electric Football Clear Bases
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