CL-I BLACK DCB Power Bases


Each set comes with ten (10) Championship Level I ITZ DCB Power bases with the standard front wheel (off set wheels sold separately). They steer just like a car and allow your miniature football players to turn right or left. The wheels on these bases are closer to the front the base than any other base of its kind! These Bases do NOT run out of the bag…They were designed to be tweaked. Tweaking tips: * Use warm smooth jaw pliers to straighten them out then curl the prongs towards the back. * Heat the prongs under the base with…

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Quick video on tweaking…

Here is a video showing how to straighten the prongs on our CL-1 Bases using only a hair dryer!  Be sure to keep the hairdryer moving or you can melt the prongs!


Each set comes with ten (10) Championship Level I ITZ DCB Power bases with the standard front wheel (off set wheels sold separately). They steer just like a car and allow your miniature football players to turn right or left. The wheels on these bases are closer to the front the base than any other base of its kind!

These Bases do NOT run out of the bag…They were designed to be tweaked.

Tweaking tips: * Use warm smooth jaw pliers to straighten them out then curl the prongs towards the back. * Heat the prongs under the base with a hair dryer set on low.  Do NOT overheat or the prongs will melt.  Once the prongs are warm. use the ITZ tweaking pliers to straighten out the prongs and curl the tips towards the back of the base.


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