Blitz Dawg Pound Bases SFB


Formula 24

Formula 24 is our softest plastic. This new formula provides a more athletic base requiring minimal tweaking.

Each set contains ten (10) new bases!

Standard Bases

Standard bases have all the prongs molded directly in the base, so their functionality (ability to move in different directions in a relative stealthy manner) is low. What they lack in functionality they make up for in being constant and dependable. These bases are low-weight and have plenty of space under the base to put weight to balance the figure and to make the base perform better! If you want a player to just do his one job right every time, this is the base for you!

Fast Prongs

These prongs are designed with one function in mind, stretching the field and closing in on receivers! Bases with fast prongs have a set of prongs in each corner of the base but the prongs are thin. This design helps them to glide across the board and make the big play to win the game!

Bullet Fronts

Bases with bullet fronts are more rounded than rounded fronts (though not as round or as long as boat bases), and while they may have a base in front of them in the short-while, they instantly slide off and move upfield. With the pressure these tournament coaches bring you don’t have much time to pass…you better have some of these bullet bases on your receivers if you want to take home the championship!

There are TEN (10) Bases in this pack

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SKU: SFB BROWN Formula 24 Categories: , , , , Tags: ,

First letter = base type

  • S= Standard
  • D=DCB
  • Second Letter=Prong type

  • F=Fast
  • S=Strong
  • P=Power
  • Third Letter = Front type

  • F=Flat
  • R=Round
  • B=Bullet
  • Description

    Product Details…

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    Blitz Base FAQ…

    What are BLITZ Bases?

    What do the letters mean?

    What are the Plastic Formulas (24, 37, 55, 100)?

    What are the different Prongs?

    What are the different Fronts?

    What are the different Base Types?

    ITZ Blitz a new line of electric football bases and figures


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