ITZ Formula 100 Green Tudor Games Electric Football Bases

New run of “Blue” Bases!!!

We launched the CL-2 bases in Los Angeles in January so we chose to commemorate their first TOC tournament by making the bases Chargers/Rams colors. While the response to the blue bases exceeded our expectations, we were already working on a new and improved mold (CL-3). Due to delays and the TOC equipment evaluation, the CL-3 bases have been put on hold until Summer of 2020.

This left coaches scrambling for blue bases that we had sold out of. Therefore we ordered a run of the CL-2 Bases in blue (Formula 37) plastic. There debuted at the Buckeye Brawl this weekend and have received great reviews. They are now available on the website!

Since all of our bases will now be green, below is a breakdown by the formulas:

Formula 37: The super soft butter prongs that tweak easily for strength (Blue and now green bases).
Formula 55: The in between prongs that are more athletic but not as easy to tweak (Yellow and soon green bases).
Formula 100: The stiffer dark green bases we released earlier this year. The most difficult to tweak but some coaches just love them!

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