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ITZ Starter Bases coming soon!
A starter is someone who is too valuable to the success of the team they have to stay in the game. In our game of electric football you’re a Starter too, and far too often starters leave the game because of a variety of reasons, but primarily because they have all the passion to play electric football, but are disappointed with the performance of the game.
At ITZ we are driven to solving the problems of frustrated coaches! When coaches were leaving the game because they couldn’t get a certain run of a base, and as a result they didn’t have a chance to win, we created the CL1 and then the CL2 bases and solved that issue. Now, we are solving the problem of bases running poorly out of the bag with the release of our newest base…Starter! They are purposely designed to give you as a coach the finest out-of-the-bag experience, making the game more fun immediately and keeping guys from leaving the hobby. Starter…stay in the game!
Explore our 3D Model…
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